Moamen Hatem Al-Hoor

Martyr Moamen Hatem Al-Hoor

Abu Khaled, born on January 11, 2006, was supposed to complete my orientation for this year, but Allah’s wisdom decreed that he should advance with a degree that was better than the degrees of this world and what is in it. He was a genius, ambitious, committed, the owner of smart projects and planning, one of the most decency and zealous young men. He presented it, pleasing to his parents, and his smile never left his face, a man!
Despite his young age, he was wise with wisdom beyond his generation, loved and cheerful. He left a void in his home after his ascension, but the consolation of his parents and acquaintances was that he met his dream. He always repeated that he wished to meet Allah as a martyr.
He loved this country very much. He was a pioneer in mosques. Gaza lost a young man who does not happen twice, and our consolation is that we will meet in heaven.
He rose as a result of the israeli treacherous bombing of the Bureij camp.

Date of martyrdom: October 7, 2023

Date of Martyrdom07/10/2023

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